"A striking scene in “Incident at Hidden Temple” coolly captures the allure of vintage film noir: A woman (Rosanne Ma) listens to a radio broadcast in a room bathed in chiaroscuro shadows, light seeping in through Venetian blinds. A frisson of mysterious danger hovers in the air. So much is suggested in a few seconds that the lighting designer, Pamela Kupper, should share authorship with the playwright, Damon Chua.” - By ELISABETH VINCENTELLI, New York Times
"Kupper delivers iconic noir lighting, complete with the genre's signature thin strips of light penetratin window blinds.” - ZACHARY STEWART, TheaterMania
“….Pamela Kupper (lighting), creates moody atmospherics on a stripped-down stage…" - By VICTORIA WEISFELD, Front Row Center
"The lighting design by Pamela Kupper was picturesque. Kupper was able to capture an assortment of looks that separated place and time well."- By MICHAEL BLOCK, Theater in the Now"